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Ron Skilton Memorial Half Marathon

Ron Skilton himself.jpg

20th October 2024


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Following the sad death of our Treasurer and good friend, Ron Skilton, to Motor Neurone Disease in December 2005, this event was added to our Green Events calendar. In his younger years Ron was a keen runner and cyclist so we felt that a half marathon would be a fitting tribute and a way to remember him and celebrate his life.

Ron Skilton (3)
me at the Ron run 2021
Ron run 1
Ron Skilton (4)
Ron Skilton (6)

The route for the half marathon is a figure of 8, mainly off-road and approx 13 miles long. This year we have added a 12k option. The scenery is magnificent and the course challenging as the area is mountainous. Feedback from previous years is that it is great fun, well marked and marshalled, and people are keen to come back and do it again!

​The competition is open to any persons over the age of 16yrs 


  1/  Individual runners wishing to run the full half Marathon .

  2/  Runners wishing to run as part of a two person relay team

  3/  Runners who wish to race over 12k distance.

To enter the fee is £15.00  per person online or £17.00 on the day.

Enter individually and advise at registration on the day which particular category you wish to run in .





If you would like to sign up to fundraise as part of this event then please follow this link to the MND association fundraising page and receive a running vest or t-shirt!

Head to the Ron Skilton Facebook page
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