Trailhead Get Jerky Devil's Staircase Ultra Trail Race
Terms and Conditions
1. All entries must be made either via the Green Events website or on the day (a £15 surcharge will apply) at registration and the appropriate entry fee must be paid before an entry can be accepted.
2. On-line entries will close at midnight on September xx 2024
3. Should we receive too many entries, the extras will be placed on a reserve list.
4. Those on the reserve list will be offered a place if and when an accepted entry is withdrawn.
5. Whilst on the reserve list, you may withdraw via e-mail and receive a full refund.
6. On acceptance of your entry you will be notified of the fact by e-mail and to this end it is your responsibility to ensure that you supply a valid e-mail address and that you monitor it regularly.
7. You may withdraw your entry because of injury etc., by letting us know via e-mail and your entry fees will be refunded less an administration fee of (10%).
All entrants must be at least 18 years old on race day.